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Dental Services

Hygienist Service

Our Hygienist provides this treatment, aimed to prevent gum disease. Plaque and calculus which has formed above and below the gumline is removed, leaving a fresh and clean feeling in your mouth.

Plaque is a soft, sticky substance that builds up on teeth. It attacks teeth, causing them to decay. Left untreated, plaque can affect the gum structure which holds teeth in position. Gum disease can be painless, but can cause permanent damage and potential tooth loss.

Enhancing your tooth natural whiteness, a Hygienist treatment will remove stains and any hard or soft deposits, from your teeth.

Treatment usually concludes with a personalised homecare plan, designed to maintain your oral health and enhance your smile.


  • Hygienist £99

  • Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment

    A more intensive treatment, that usually requires local anaesthetic. £195

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Dental Hygienist Service London